About Victoire
Change is inevitable.
We all have limits. We have monetary limits, geographical limits, cognitive limits. Societies have monetary, geographical and cognitive limits. Subways, the planets, borders have limited capacity. Whatever it is, we all have limits.
However, while we all have limits, those limits are not fixed in space nor eternal in time.
Also, if some limits should be shared, others should only be acknowledge for the purpose of helping us to find the impetus to shift our direction.
Our society has limits, our microcosms have limits, we have limits too. However, whatever quest is it, those who don’t have limits should not be bound by the limits of others.
This is where the real empathy is. It is not because some are not capable to help you because they are limited, that you should either limit yourself, nor attack those who have limits.
Change is inevitable.
And while our readiness to change might be before our own limitations, we can all observe that not every one is ready to change.
While change is so precise in time, what remains the same in on the contrary eternal.
Action is an opportunity. It is a moment that disappears. Already, you are reading something else. Already, the world is warmer, the middle east is more destroyed. Already we have graduated from whichever problem we are facing. Already, we’ve said too much, start too much. Already, we could have done another way.
Hi, my name is Victoire Mandonnaud, and I believe in action right now, in love right now, in taking time right now. I believe in what brings people generous side, or what could bring it: UBI, (French Standard of) Social Security, Access to Life Long Education, Transgenerational Solidarity, Forgiving and Honesty.
I have quite a few engagements: I am President of the Columbia European Union Student Association at Columbia University SIPA, I lead Partnerships for Global Shapers NYC Manhattan Hub, and I am the Co-Founder of On My Way, a spontaneous action app. Please free to reach out.
And in the meantime, be generous with the world around you.